

          When planting a new plant, dividing or replanting a plant, or taking           care of an existing plant, consider the following items in order to           maximize its growing potential:


1.  Soil-What kind of soil do I have in my garden (heavy clay, sand, or loam)? Does the plant like acidic soil or neutral soil (a pH of 6.5 to 7.5)? For a potted plant do I use a soil less mix, regular potting soil, a sandy mix, or a bark mix like for an orchid? 

2.  LightHow much light does this plant need?  Full sun, part sun,     part shade, full shade?  Inside does this plant need South window, East window, or additional light? Need an artificial light? How close?         

3.  Temperature-What temperature is ideal for this plant?  If outside, will it tolerate 95 degree weather? (Lincoln is in AHS Heat Zone #7.) Will this plant tolerate frost or does this plant need to be brought in for the winter? (Lincoln is in USDA hardiness zone 5.) If plant is inside, does it need a dormancy time before it will flower, and how do I take care of it?

4.  Moisture-How often does this plant need water?  Will it tolerate wet feet or will it tolerate drought conditions?  For potted plant, does pot have drain holes in bottom?  Do I water from the top or from the bottom?

5.  Nutrients-How often do I fertilize this plant?  What kind of fertilizer is recommended?  How much nitrogen, phosphorous, potash? Does it need an acidic fertilizer?

6.  Pruning-How often do I need to prune and/or divide? How? When?  Do I need to “deadhead” flowers? If so, when and how often?

Green Thumb Tip-Outside arrange plants together in the garden or in a container that require the same environmental conditions.  Inside, pot plants together that need the same environmental conditions.

George Edgar

Lincoln, Nebraska