Sunday, March 13, 2005, is Daffodil Sunday for the American Cancer Society. Be sure to purchase your spring flowers and support the research to find a cure for cancer.

          To preserve these beautiful spring flowers when you get home, cut off at least 2 inches of the stem, under water.  (You don’t have to be under water, just the stems.)  Leave the stems in this water for 15 to 30 minutes to re-hydrate the flowers then place in a vase with fresh water. Add a preservative if you have it. Replace the water every 2 to 3 days. Do not place the flowers in direct sunlight and they will last longer.  

          Most people do not realize that daffodils are unique in that they give off a toxic chemical in the water when they are cut that will harm other plants if they are cut or even placed in the same water. Therefore, be sure and dispose of this water after plants are re-hydrated. However, once the daffodils are re-hydrated they may be put in an arrangement with other flowers with no problem. 

          Gladys and I are cancer survivors. During a routine PSA test, and after a biopsy, it was determined that I had prostate cancer. It was caught in a very early stage.  I had 36 radiation treatments and did not miss a day of work.  I would leave my office in Omaha and drive the 60 miles to BryanLGH West Hospital, have my treatment, and go home for supper.  The next morning I would drive to Omaha. I have had no problems and my regular PSA test has stayed about 1.0 now for over almost 12 years.

          My daughter was not as fortunate.  She died at age 37 from a brain tumor.  I hope the American Cancer Society is able to find a cure so that granddaughters do not have to grow up without a mother.

          Buy a bouquet of daffodils this weekend and support the American Cancer Society. Then take good care of your flowers, and of yourself, so both live a long, healthy and beautiful life!!!

Mar. 12, 2005