[Ch-1] General discussion of Javascript and its history.

[Ch-2] Flex the muscle of HTML5 and demonstrate form validation in Login. Ironically the added HTML5 attribute 'required' prevents the javascript portion from ever being executed. I created the two versions of 'Login', one without the the HTML5 'required' parameter to observe how and if the javascript validation works. I also added a login.php destination for the form action.

[Ch-3] Selecting an IDE, Browser & Debugging helpers.

[Ch-4] Variable basics, scope, operators, order of operations & precedence. Using numbers & strings. Add in an event listener.

[Ch-5] Basics of conditionals. What is false (false, 0, empty string, NaN, null, undefined), everything else is true. If, Else, Else if, Switch & Ternary. Basics of loops (for, while & do..while). Brief discussion of break, continue & return that will be detailed later.

[Ch-6] Literal & Object syntax. Building and accessing arrays & objects.

[Ch-7] Writing functions and passing parameters (by value & by reference). Validating passed parameters and setting defaults. Returning values. Passing functions as arguements. Words (sort an array with a user defined function)... no output? Employee, improved from ch-6 by making it an object. Tasks: Anonymous functions, nested functions.

[Ch-8] Event Handling: (1) Text, javascript counts & limits characters into textbox. (2) Events, reports on selected events. (3) Memberships, dynamically recalulates. (4) Epoch, uses mouseover to redisplay the time.

[Ch-9] Windows objects: Dialog boxes, creating pop-ups and controlling called up window properties (responsibly). You should show curtisy, to notify the user of actions (if clicked... will open in new window). Theme opens new window in which the CSS properties become an option to the user. Browser focus can be passed to the new object. Pop-ups maybe detected and even closed. Bubbling is discussed some. Other window properties are touched on, back(), forward(), and go() as a way to access the browser history. As far as communication between window objects, 'the same origin policy' is explained about how both objects must come from the same domain.

[Ch-10] More on Forms: Adding error messages, adding tool tips (Register). Create dynamic select boxes (Os).Check boxes & Radio buttons (Pizza). PCRE..pearl compatible regular expressions explained.

[Ch-11] AJAX. I found myself overwhelmed by the complexity but determined to learn more about Ajax, XML, Jason

[Ch-12] Error Management: (1) Test, I let this chapter go over my head but I took good notes and imported jsUnity library but did not feeln comp-tent enough tto implement it on my own.

[Ch-13] Frameworks: (1) Country, (2) Stock, (3) Table, (4) Weather ... jQuery & YUI as frameworks are discussed and used.

[Ch-14] Advanced JavaScript: (1) Fader, (2) Tasks .. took notes but closures went over my head for now.

[Ch-15] PHP & Javascript together: (1) Index. I was excited to get to this chapter. I installed the needed tables and databases. I edited the config & mysqli_connect portions to eliminate the run errors but there was too much going on for my to grasp and yell victory. I will revisit and explore the various CSS and javascripts and try to install video and sound... but for now I'm off to a new book on MySQL.

Larry Ullman's book support website ... Modern Javascript