[Ch-1] Very specific overview of a database management system. Each part and term is defined and discussed. Relationships: one-to-many, etc... Foreign keys can be set up to maintain referential integrity. Enhanced Entity Relationship diagram (EER), discussion of SQL statements, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DROP, JOINS (inner & outer).

[Ch-2] Introduction to MySQL Workbench, Very impressed with this new tool. It creates and edits connections, databases, and SQL scripts. Time learning how to navigate this new tool is well spent. I will eventually say goodbye to MyAdmin in the near future. I will be working on my local host for now. End of chapter has good exercises to practice new skills. I wish they showed remote source examples.

[Ch-3] Retrieve data from 1-table. SELECT details, CONCAT, DATE_FORMAT, ROUND, LEFT. The exercises were basic but a very necessary test of comprehension at the end of each chapter. Thank goodness, the answers are available in the book's downloads.

[Ch-4] Joins was very challenging. The stock inner join was easy to comprehend but the exercises 5-7, got the best of me and I had to edit my version to match the books solution to get success. No. 5 stumped me until I found I had been typing vendor with an (e). On ex-6, I had typed 'WHERE li.invoice_id = NULL'  instead of  'IS NULL'. Exercise-7 was similar to the earlier example in the book but I had to peek to complete the task. I will move on but I know I will need to revisit the materials on how to use an alias, joins, and unions.

[Ch-5] Summary Queries and aggregate functions; SUM, AVG, COUNT, GROUP BY, HAVING & ROLLUP. I found the material very well covered with good examples but yet I struggled with the chapter exercises and had to reference the provided answers to make mine work.

[Ch-6] Sub-Queries were very challenging as most of the queries could be done in different ways. Exercise 5 - 7 were over my head in code and in business accounting lingo, but I will use the provided solutions as reference methods for future work.

[Ch-7] Creating test tables and data in order to protect original data sounds like a very responsible skill to learn and utilize. Updating & Deleting data.

[Ch-8] Data types, CONVERT, CAST & FORMAT. Very dry but absolutely necessary. Very well covered. As my experiences have taught me, dates and times are very tedious data types to use.

[Ch-9] Functions and examples of their use. Very extensive with a variety of practical examples. I am building my own help library in my fox-pro database with them.

[Ch-10] Relational databases and normalization are discussed along with an introduction to using the workbench tool to examine and edit the tables. EER diagrahms are shown and lightly discussed.

[Ch-11] How to create and drop a database... tables, and indexes. My previous experiences with MySQL is urging me to begin to design my own databases as I go. I have three specific projects in mind. I will still try to complete the exercises as I progress.

[Ch-12] Creating views that are updatable.

[Ch-13] Writing program and learning all the looping and conditionals available. Also exception handling.

[Ch-14] Creating, calling and dropping stored programs. Transactions with Rollback options are covered. Shared access and locking records is covered. At this point (ch. 10-19), I am not doing the exercises at the end but I am playing with my own database projects (football & gymnastics). I will be treating these chapters as resource examples when I encounter each subjecct.

[Ch-15] Creating, calling and dropping stored procedures and functions. The 4-common errors are covered well from ch-14 & 15. Using Workbench to ionsdpect, edit and drop these stored routines is lightly covered.

[Ch-16] Triggers & Events: This is an area that I think needs to be handled in much more detail with more examples. An Access database handles the code to maintain referential integrity internally while most all others require specific code to be added to prevent orphans when deleting records.

[Ch-17] Database Administration: Starting and stopping processes, examining and editing configurations through Workbench and SQL. Also examining and managing logs.

[Ch-18] Database Security: I must admit, I am burned out and am simply taking notes and will use this as reference. Currently, my site requires that I use the MyAdmin at GoDaddy to create a new database. I can update privileges and users through SQL commands.

[Ch-19] Anxious to move on, I read the material well enough to come back to review as needed.

Mysql by Joel Murach ...