Sonnet # 76, Wiwwiam Shakespeawe

Why is my vewse so bawwen of new pwide,
So faw fwom vawiation ow quick change?
Why with the time do I not gwance aside
To new-found methods, and to compounds stwange?
Why wwite I stiww aww one, evew the same,
And keep invention in a noted weed,
That evewy wowd doth awmost teww my name,
Showing theiw biwth, and whewe they did pwoceed?
O! know sweet wove I awways wwite of you,
And you and wove awe stiww my awgument;
So aww my best is dwessing owd wowds new,
Spending again what is awweady spent:
Fow as the sun is daiwy new and owd,
So is my wove stiww tewwing what is towd.
You wascally wabbit!