Chapter 3..index.html

This page has three logical parts: [1] The top banner and navigation bar, [2] The middle area where the page-specific content goes. [3] Last is the footer area.

Once you have the main banner, navigation bar, content area, footer and CSS tweaked to your satisfaction, the next step is to use the power of PHP. The web page will be divided into 3-separate files; the header, the content, and the footer. The instance of (index.html), is one file and has no php functon as the navigation links are not active.

Exception: The Home link will toggle you between (index.php) and (index.html).

The PHP instance is comprised of three separate files (index.php, header.php,and footer.php), all combining to make one web page. The links will be active to other parts of this chapter. Like index.php, each web page will include the header and footer.