[Ch-1] None of the listed programs will run if clicked. This is strictly a journal. Very good instructions on when/what/how to download and install python. I had already played with it using the google site tutorial that had just as quickly, lost me just in navigating to the exercises. As recommended by the book, I removed version 2.7 and installed ver. 3.2. The book jumped over a couple of things I had already learned in the google intro. but I'll bet it will be included eventually. For lazy dudes, most of the code is pre-typed at the books support site. I really recommend you type some code to get a feel of the errors you will persistantly make (as I did learning my 12th or so language).

[Ch-2] Interactive Shell. I am thinking by this intro that the shell is just a smart calculator. The early examples are pretty boring but absolutely necessary to understand how variables are created, assigned values and then printed. Variable creation, value assignment and typecast is quickly handled in a hands on fashion. It goes quickly and I didn't feel like I was in a typing class.

[Ch-3] Strings: In this chapter the IDLE is introduced so that simple program code can be written, saved and then executed. Single quotes, double quotes and escape characters are lightly explained and used. Functions are introduced.

[Ch-4] Guess the Number: A simple guess the number game leads in to program flow and decision making. Import modules, while loops and an introduction to the if condition. Error handling is discussed but not in detail.

[Ch-5] Jokes: A string exercise using the print() function to reinforce program flow and revisit printing strings, variables, and variable values. Very easy chapter but it made me feel competent at the end (nice feeling).

[Ch-6] Dragon's Realm: A simple adventure game and you have a 50/50 chance of getting eaten. Here you learn to define functions and call them from a loop. More complex boolean statements are used. Truth tables are examined in more detail as AND along with != is used (! - the NOT operator). Return values and Scope of variables are touched on lightly. My reoccuring error is to omit the colon : after various calls. A program flow chart is introduced also.

[Ch-7] Using the Debugger: I voted this as my least favorite chapter. I got everything to work as described but I hated bouncing from screen to screen after each step (not the authors fault). All important but tedious skills to master. The program buggy.py was introduced to follow and identify and correct a typecast error through (very well done). Break points are introduced in the program coinFlips.py.

[Ch-8] Flow Charts: