
[1]-Hello is a standard html page, [2]-1st PHP shows how to generates html content using php, [3]-Tip of Day uses php to print text information from an external file, [4]-Basic html code for headers, bold, italics, center, [5]-more Basic Showed lists..ordered and unordered, [6]-tables html code for a table, [7]-CSS-inline shows how to style text within the document, [8]-CSS page level style page elements, external CSS, Text Based Form elements, Selection based form elements, Buttons demonstrated in different ways.
I did not keep a complete written journal of my trip through this book. My first time through, I was using Andy's 3rd edition and it had some parts that I couldn't make work. I wrote him an email and he gave me great encouragement and told me to upgrade to the 5th edition which I did. I am listing all of the exercises I kept from both books including files from the 3rd edition.
database. I'm using FoxPro 9.0 for my personal data and I need to occasionally delete a record and related records and would love to automate it. I'm wanting to build some on-line applications and I'll need to develop these skills there also.

Chapter-2 Variable Input

Hi Jacob standard use of a variable, Row Your Boat Shows how to assign and use a long variable, Tip of Day uses information external to sight.

Moving quickly through the book, I took advantage of the code already typed and modified it as needed to use it as I have each one listed. I am planning on developing the quiz machine [Ch-6] to make an interactive area for my gymnastics students that I teach. With the tools from this book and the php-model site from Larry Ullman's book [Chap 16], I want to have a test site up for the Grand Island Twisters with log-in, register, and administrative priviledges up and working with a few minor bugs. [Twisters]

To interact with quiz Math test(PW=math), Monte Python test(PW=nii), Edit test(PW=absolute), Show Log(PW=absolute),

I need to go back in to read and re-read chapters 10-12 so I can better understand the amazing php function library that builds forms and tables with drop down lists. Mine worked but only because I used the provided code.

My next area I need help in is to develop a ... delete trigger. I know that ACCESS does it for you if you set up referential integrity for the