Mushroom-3 skill set A-[Level 1 & 2]


[A-1] Front support circle in bucket (swiss x 2).

  1. 1. Hips always face forward.
  2. Feet stay together.
  3. All the way around.
  4. Both hands on mushroom (front & back)

Mushroom-3 skill set B-[Level 3]

[1] 1-circle in bucket
[2] 1-step wind up into circle (sitter on baby mushroom).

  1. 1. Hips always face forward.
  2. Feet stay together.
  3. All the way around.
  4. Both hands on mushroom (front & back)

Mushroom-3 skill set B-[Level 4]

[1] 2-circles+swiss+2-circles in bucket
[2] 1-step wind up into circle (on baby mushroom).

  1. Hips always face forward.
  2. Feet stay together.
  3. All the way around.
  4. Both hands on mushroom (front & back)

Mushroom-3 skill set B-[Level 5]

[1] both Thomas flair 2xcircles in bucket(Left & Right foot)
[2] 1-step wind up into 2 x Circles (on baby mushroom).

  1. Hips always face forward.
  2. Feet stay together.
  3. All the way around.
  4. Both hands on mushroom (front & back)

Mushroom-3 skill set E [Level 6]

[E-1] .. content coming

  1. ..
  2. ..
  3. ..
  4. ..

Pendulum-1 is next