Floor Rings skill set A-[Level 1 & 2]

[A-1] Front support, [A-2] L-sit, [A-3] Tuck Planche .. excellent sequence

tuck handstand

Floor Rings skill set B-[Level 3]

[B-1] Baby tuck jump handstands.


Floor rings-tucked handstands

  • Tuck stand with hands parallel,
  • Jump upwards (lifting hips),
  • Head moves downwards as hip rise.
  • Return to stand after each jump.

Floor Rings skill set C-[Level 4]

[C-1] Straddle jump handstands.

straddle HANDSTAND
straddle HANDSTAND
  1. Starts in straddle stand with hands parallel,
  2. Jump upwards in straddle lifting hips,
  3. Head moves downwards as hip rise.
  4. Return to straddle stand after each jump.

Floor Rings skill set D-[Level 5]

[D-1] Pike jump up to handstands.

straddle HANDSTAND
straddle HANDSTAND
  1. Starts in tuck stand with hands parallel,
  2. Jump upwards through pike lifting hips,
  3. Head moves downwards as hip rise.
  4. Return to tuck stand after each jump.

Floor Rings skill set E-[Level 6]

[E-1] Shot-gun legs press (headstand to handstand).

straddle HANDSTAND
straddle HANDSTAND
  1. Starts in tuck headstand with hands parallel,
  2. Extend legs upwards pressing with hands and lifting hips,
  3. Head moves between arms as hip rise.
  4. Return to tuck stand after each try.

Rings Swings are next