Welcome to Mary and Gary's Garden Diary for October

Tabasco peppers Virginia creeper agastache mums and petunia balloon flower revenae tiger eye sumac beauty berry flame grass
Tepin peppers

October 2010
This was not a good year for peppers but it was not a complete failure. The tomatoes were fabulous and are still going strong. The Fall colors are beginning to take over. Below, the Agastache and Asters are hanging out while Mary is setting out the haunted garden stuff.


One day I wear a T-shirt, the next day I need a coat, yet the annual colors are still hanging on. This past weekend we planted a few dozen bulbs for next spring. Below the brand new-old cabin is nearly ready to be haunted.

faux shack

All of the grasses are showing tassles. The Tiger-eye Sumac is turning orange. The Arundo is at least 14-feet high, and here again is my favorite purple flower.


The purple Beauty Berry and the blue-gray Powis Castle Artimesia are really showing their 3rd season of value. Last of all, our Flame grass, a new Halloween attraction and a Gerbera Daisy.

Ben Dover tombstone
banana peppers tomatoes asters salvia mix papaya cone flower hameln arundo donax powis castle Gerbera Daisy